Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Join My Craft Room Stampers Team!

 Hi Friends!

During Sale-a-Bration every year, Stampin' Up! adds more incentive to purchase what they call the "Starter Kit".

I choose to call it the "Happy Shopper Kit" because you don't have to start anything! You can be your only customer and enjoy at least 20% off all of your product orders!

And, if you sign up with me, you will be part of my Craft Room Stampers Team and enjoy all the fun and exciting "stuff" we do!  Such as free event, chances to win free products, virtual and in person get togethers, etc!

In Canada, you can choose $165 in products of your choice (Yup YOUR choice, whatever YOU want) and you will pay only $135 PLUS you get FREE shipping. And in some provinces you also don't pay any tax!

And during Sale-a-Bration in August and September 2021, you can choose an bonus FREE bundle as well!

Click on the image below to see the details on each bundle. Or CLICK HERE.

For example, when you take advantage of this offer, if you choose the Christmas To Remember Bundle (page 19 of the Mini Catalogue) for $81.75  you will get:

  $165.00 in product of your choice

  $  81.75 Christmas To Remember Bundle

  $  24.68 in shipping

  $  19.00 Prov. sales tax (BC rate)

  $  13.57 GST

  $304.01 Total Cost         and YOU pay only $135 (plus tax if applicable)


This is a potential savings of $169.01!!!!


Plus you will enjoy at last 20% off all orders after that.

Just CLICK HERE to join my Team, or EMAIL ME, I am happy to help you start your journey!

I hope to have you in my Stampin' Up! Family soon!


Stampin' Smiles!



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