Monday, July 5, 2021

Have A Peachy Day!

 Hi Friends!

Today's card was inspired by one I saw by Yvonne Spikmans-VanBruggen. I love her use of white space with some colour added to the background with the Blending Brushes.

The double colour on the peaches is from Pale Papaya and Calypso Coral. Don't you think it looks good enough to eat?

Yummmmmm, I love peaches. I grew up in the central part of British Columbia, Canada in the Okanagan Valley. The valley is known for it's fruit production and peaches are super sweet and juicy.

We had 2 peach trees when I was growing up, and we used to pick them right off the tree, still warm from the sun, and slurp them down right in the field.  I remember the juice running down our faces, hands and arms. There is truly nothing on earth like a sun warm, fresh peach right off the tree.

I hope you are enjoying your day!

Stampin' Smiles!



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