Thursday, September 17, 2020

Sailing Home Thank You Card

 Hi Friends!

Well the smoke from all the wildfires is finally starting to thin a bit.  We actually had some heat in the sunshine this afternoon.

Our local grandsons came over and we went for a bike ride and it was actually quite warm!  I pray that the fires get under control soon and the smoke clears up. It is so hard for a lot of people and animals to breath outside right now.

I have a video to share with you today as well as a card picture and a recipe.

Each Monday morning I do a Monday Mystery Stamping zoom and facebook live on my facebook page.  I post a recipe a couple of days before, and welcome all stampers to prep a kit and craft along with me.

I direct you through the creative process by telling you what I am doing, you do not get to see the final creation or the inspiration card until everyone is done. Then we reveal the cards! It is so much fun.

This week we made a card inspired by Diane Inkster. I belong to a wonderful group of Demonstrators who share their sketches.  Here's the original sketch ...

And this is the card I created during the video .....


I upload my videos to my Youtube channel - CLICK HERE to go to my channel.  I have lots of videos for you to watch. I hope you enjoy them.

Have a wonderful day

Stampin' Smiles

Glenda Mollet

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