Monday, March 7, 2011

Flip Over Calendar Instructions

As promised, I have completed the instructions for THIS Flip Over Calendar.

Flip Over Calendar Instructions

And here are the calendars for you to download and print out. The first one is just one 12 month calendar, the second one is 2 12 month calendars .....
Flip Calendars 2011 - 1 set

Flip Calendars 2011 - 2 sets

Have fun making these, they are awesome and I plan on making a bunch for 2012 for craft fairs around Christmas.
Happy Stampin' ... ... ...            


  1. Thanks a bundle Glenda - I have filed this with my tutorial!

  2. Hi Glenda,
    I have just downloaded your tutorial. This is such a great idea. Thank you so much for sharing it.
    Theresa in Kitimat



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