Saturday, February 20, 2021

Love Your Pet Day and Cherry Pie Day!

 Hi Friends!

Today is Love Your Pet Day and it is also Cherry Pie Day!

I created a Playful Pet card to mark the occasion.  Although we don't have any pets ourselves, when I need a pet fix, we head to our local son and his family for some puppy loving.

 They have 2 Labradoodles (shown above) that are just over a year old. They are big, fluffy, hugable pooches.  Rosie (the one on the left) thinks she is a lap dog. I guess no one ever told her she's too big to be a lap dog. But who can refuse that face?

Koko is the larger one, but she is no less cuddly and hugable.

Now, about Cherry Pie. What do you think? Yes or No? I love cherry pie. When I was growing up, my Mom used to make cherry pie from the bing cherries in our yard.  Those pies were the yummiest!

It was always a family joke that no matter who made the cherry pie, or whether it was our home grown cherries or filling from a can, my Dad always got at least one pit from the pie. No one else ever got the pit, just Dad.  Such fond memories!  Cherry Pie for you today Dad.

Stampin' Smiles

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