Saturday, September 18, 2021

Double Point Card - Video Replay!

Hi Friends!

I was so intrigued when I saw the Double Point card!  I created this one and shared it with my Team during our Team Recognition and Stamping Night last Monday.

We all created it together, and it's so much fun to do!

I shared how to create it during my Thursday Live Stamping in my VIP Group last Thursday. The new card uses different designer papers, and I share how to punch out the deer from the Peaceful Prints designer paper that is opposite from the punch!  You are going to NEED to see this information, it's an A HA! moment for sure.

You will find the recipe, measurements, and other important links in the description of the video.

If you would like to see how I created it, please watch the video below. If you enjoy it, please consider subscribing to my YouTube Channel so you don't miss any of my videos, tutorials and Live Stamping. Once you have subscribed, click on the bell icon to get notification when I add to my channel.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy the video!

Stampin' Smiles!


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