Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Candy Countdown Calendar Kit - Day 1

I purchased one of these awesome (and very inexpensive) kits from the Stampin' Up! Holiday Mini Catalogue (page 34, Item#120926, $24.50 Canadian) with all the intentions of having a class in November.  It would have been a super class if I had just used what comes in the kit - boxes, rope, clothes pegs, ribbon, box front papers and numbers - but of course I had to do my own thing.  Now I have gotten so carried away that I will not be offering a class for this.  If you are interested I could make up a PDF for it though.
Here is #1.  I also know that you are supposed to count down from 24 to 1, but I started creating them at 1 and I am not finished to 24 yet.  The kit comes with 25 of everything to make 25 completed boxes.  But this kit only came with 24 boxes, I contacted Stampin' Up! and they sent me a new kit, which does include 25 of everything.  But I am going to use it as one of my Giveaways for November which is my annual Customer Appreciation Month.
I will be posting one a day for a while along with my other projects (when I get a chance to make some!!!)
Happy Stampin' ... ... ...   Glenda Mollet

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