The first project is a "CREATE" banner. It also uses the Broadsheet Alphabet set ...
and a couple of closer pictures ...
Then there is the first Thanks card which uses a Vanilla Rosette (now retired) which is coloured with the Cherry Cobbler Stampin' Write Marker and an Aqua Pen ...
and this one uses the bird cage image from Nautre Walk and I spritzed it liberally with Champagne Mist Shimmer Paint....
Project #4 is a great card made a bit smaller. Once again it uses Nature Walk, the egg image, and some crimping ....
The last one I am going to share with you today, is a 3.5 x 3.5 pouch with 4 matching thank you cards to fit in it ...
I hope you had a great weekend, if you listen to the weather report on the TV as I do, then you also heard that this would be the last really warm weekend of the year. Where did our summer go this year. I sure hope the fall is much better!
You are so talented Glenda and I love your work!