Saturday, March 28, 2020

Star Album Live Video Coming Soon

Hi Everyone!

On Monday I will be doing a facebook live to create a Star Album for our Daughter-in-law who is pregnant. I do this album as a Belly Journey. It will be filled with pictures of her belly (no I won't be showing you those pictures lol).

This has been done for the rest of our Grandchildren and it turns out so great.

The Mom is responsible for taking the belly pictures as she wants, then I use some of them to finish off the album.

I don't know how many facebook lives it will take to complete the album, it all depends on how fast I am. But it will be at least 2 segments over 2 days, or more as needed.
Please join me at 10 am PT on Monday March 30th for the first installment.
The recipe is below if you would like to create along with me. Then to finish it off I will be doing a Pregnant Lady punch art for it (cased from Ellen Kemper).

Here's the recipe ....
Cardboard 2 pieces 5-1/4 x 5-1/4
Designer Paper 2 pieces 6 x 6 and more for decoration if wanted (I am using Pleased As Punch)
Ribbon 2 pieces at least 6 inches long
7 pieces 5-1/4 x 10-1/2 (I am using Granny Apple Green)
scored at 5-1/4
7 pieces 5-1/4 x 9 (I am using Calypso Coral)
scored at 4-1/2
7 pieces 5-1/4 x 7 (I am using Daffodil Delight)
scored at 3-1/2
Below are pictures of the last album I created.

Here's the link to my facebook page ...
See you In My Craft Room on Monday morning!
Glenda Mollet

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