Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Colour Revamp Coming to Stampin' Up!

Hi Friends!

Stampin' Up! has announced a Colour Revamp and I am so excited!!!  There is nothing better than new colours to create with, and this coming Annual Catalogue will not only have the 5 new 2018-20 In Colours, but we will also have 10 brand new colours, and 6 returning favourite colours!

First of all, here are the colours that are retiring as of May 31st, 2018 ....

I am a bit sad to see some of my favourite colours retire, but I am so looking forward to the brand new and returning ones.  These inks, papers, reinkers, markers, and embellishments are only available While Supplies Last or until May 31st.

CLICK HERE for a complete list of all retiring products in the Annual Catalogue.
CLICK HERE for a complete list of all retiring products in the Occasions Catalogue.

Or you can CLICK HERE to go to my Online Store for more details on all the Retiring Products. This option will also give you an up to date look at items that are still available, while the lists above will include items that have sold out.

Here is a picture of the brand new colours being adopted into the colour collections ....

It is so great to see some beautiful purples and soft colours are coming.

Here are what the In Colour collection will look like .....

What a great selection to choose from!

And, finally, the colour collections with the new and returning colours incorporated into them ...

Isn't that a wonderful colour palette to begin creating beautiful papercrafting projects?

I will be back tomorrow with some cards using the retiring colours.  Stay tuned!

When placing your online Canadian order, please use the Current Host Code that can be found on the right of my blog up near the top.  Right now, here it is ....

If you have any comments or questions, please EMAIL ME.  I am happy to answer them. You can also contact me if I can help place your order for you.

Have a Crafty Day!

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